Weird Wires

by Simona Bogdanova
Honourable Mention - Roslyn and Max Margles Contest Grades 5/6

As a child
You were always told:
”My, you are so weird and bold!”
Maybe you were weird
But you didn’t care.
You continued to draw your little hare.

You always put your toys in order.
”You’ll wish that you played more when you’re older!”
Maybe they were right
But you didn’t mind.
You had always loved how your toys looked in line.

Reading was an escape for you.
”My, their nose is always in a book!”
Maybe it was
But the real world was never enough.
You always felt more connected to the characters, anyway.

You always liked teachers that were “different”
They just seemed so much like you!
But the others didn’t like them.
You never understood their point of view.

You could never stay in place
You always had to move!
It felt so weird to just stand
Without the slightest groove.

You stood out a lot
You stood out because of your weird jokes
You stood out because you were always so quick
You stood out because you were so expressive
And you took such a time to pick.

But you knew that there were others like you.
Others that were different
Others that were old.
So just remember
That even if you’re weirdly wired
Someday, you’ll find someone with the same centre.


Honourable Mention, Grades 5/6 - Simona Bogdanova
The jury said that “Weird Wires” was a fun and imaginative poem with a creative, original voice. They wrote that it bursts with creative energy and celebrates the weird wiring of artists.