Rainy Evening
by Gabriela De Paz
My photography is typically inspired by the details of my daily environment. This series specifically was an attempt to capture the magical childhood nostalgia I felt one rainy evening while looking at—rather than out—my window. I wanted to capture the layers between the self, the home, and the outside world, as they weave together to produce the essence of who and what we are.
This connection between the internal and external is one of the central themes of my artistic work, which includes photography, painting, and collage. I have had photography published by Fatal Flaw Lit, Unstamatic Magazine, and High Shelf Press.

Gabriela De Paz is a multidisciplinary artist from California. She studied art at City College of San Francisco, and afterwards moved to Spain to be closer to family. She has exhibited artwork in Valencia, Barcelona, and Paris. She currently lives in Zaragoza, Spain, where she studies ceramics. You can view her art at her website gabrieladepaz.org or on Instagram @gabrieladepazart.