by Logan Anthony
a brittle flower bobs
her head in the october rain,
each strike of a drop
as it cascades in descent
rattles its rickety voice into
her petals the stern reminder
she knowingly outruns.
days pass as she gives
pieces of herself away.
crumpled petals litter the grass
in a line where it yellows.
the same pattern of caution
she’s been dotted with every autumn:
the dichotomy between flower
and fungus is a narrowing doorway.
a hallway walling itself off.
potential drinking itself away.
aster, darling, can’t you see
where i’m going with this?


Logan Anthony is an American queer writer and transgender artist from Indiana. Anthony holds a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing & English and works as a curriculum developer. Find Logan’s poetry in Thin Air Magazine, Oberon Poetry Magazine, Hive Avenue Literary Journal, Papers Publishing Literary Magazine, Hare’s Paw Literary Journal, and more. You can read their short stories in Stoneboat Literary Journal, The Write Launch, and Hare’s Paw Literary Journal.