My miscarried children loiter nowhere
by Elisabeth Blair
My miscarried children loiter nowhere,
not mentioned in any newspaper
nor honoured online.
No memorials on earth
except my poems, these
melancholy etchings-around
of where they were, as if by
showing their negative space
—where they weren’t;
what surrounded
their few days—
they’ll seem more clear,
more exceptional
than trial and error.


Elisabeth Blair is a poet and editor with an extensive background in music and the visual arts. Her publications include a full-length collection because God loves the wasp (Unsolicited Press 2022), two chapbooks, and poems in a variety of journals, including Harpur Palate, Feminist Studies, cream city review, and Juked. In 2022 she received a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts to complete her second book, a poetry novel. Websites:; @elisabeth.blair on Instagram.