Chet Hanks Explains How, if You Think About it, We’re All Africans

by Simone Person

and smiles a poplar-teeth chorus. with a sawed-off stare,
he adorns us queen, as in Black, as in his. names it admiration,
a burnt-cork offering, says if we’re smart, we’ll take it.
before he loses interest. his reminder of what he’s culled,

that everything we call ours is ripening into taken.
a howling aubade signaling the beginning
of the hunt. chet blesses himself righteous architect,
ready to ravage everything not of his body.
he explains slaughter is his birthright.

whiteboy as puddle-deep, as gaunt manifestation of god,
he says he’s got a legacy to carry. vulgar’s in his blood,
and he’s always liked that word—blood. how easy it is to find,
so abundant, a dulled gospel just waiting beneath skin.


Simone Person is a Black queer femme, two-time Pink Door Writing Retreat fellow, and managing editor at just femme & dandy. They are the author of Dislocate (Honeysuckle Press, 2018) and Smoke Girl (Diode Editions, 2019), and they were selected as a first-place winner of Boston Review’s 2021 Annual Poetry Contest by Sonia Sanchez. Simone grew up in small Michigan towns and Toledo, Ohio. They can be found at and on Twitter/Instagram at @princxporkchop.