Editor’s Note

By Greg Santos

As I write this editorial, it has been a relatively warm season so far and my family has been doing our utmost to partake in quintessential fall activities like apple picking, elaborate Halloween costume preparations, and getting ready to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival with mooncakes and all manner of round-shaped goodies.

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By Eden Andrews

In an effort to escape, I had run a bath. Shortly after, you opened the door. As if you were trying to move molasses. I couldn’t look at the burn in your cheeks or wonder how your clunky knees must be feeling on the tiled floor. Leaning on the side of the tub, you looked like an aged man, who had only lips and a nose.

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By Fiona Vigo Marshall

The children call me Sasquatch and say that I live in a hole in the playground. They say that I never get cold, that my body hair keeps me warm as I curl up to sleep. They say I walk the Mexico City metro lines by night, from Tacubaya to Indios Verdes, looking for stray passengers.

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Wedding Band

By Hana Mason

Sometimes the only thing that gets you off is the thought of your own success. That, or the thought of the neighbour coming over and taking you behind the rotting old woodshed. The housing co-op where you live, where you used to live with your aunt but now just live alone, has backyards from which you can see every other backyard.

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By Nicolò Monti

She’s petting a white bunny with creepy red eyes born not long ago. We come and check on it every day because she thinks the cage is too dark and uncomfortable. We set it free and let it roam the old stable for a few minutes, door locked and eyes watchful so it doesn’t run away.

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By T Williams

A text from Terry buzzes. Already, Aidan is at attention. Terry’s opening is as aggressive as it is subtle: “Got a six-pack of Stella. Your favorite.” Aidan can’t resist the offer of free Belgian imports. He replies in seconds, “Sure.”

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