Two Poems

by Sneha Subramanian Kanta

What Builds An Intangible World


                         for Appa
                         after Sappho

The calculus of things:
petrichor              lungs of forests

We walk till the last post office of a country
                                               though we know

the world is more         smithed            

leafing             into alluvial       composites
linoleum hills          of emulsified sunlight
                  vascular lake           first of spring

the fields ignite              like glass
      being made from liquid sand
மாங்கனி trees latticed over the skyline

               Bay Laurel trees burgeoning
rainlight stains                 fossilized

the world is bioluminescence        carotene dusk
in inverse morning-blue         roots billowing 

                 with rainwater abridge
the outside lexicon of a heritage architecture

chlorophyll-green           continuing harbor
everyday, landscape                    blots into history

like water takes shape                 backbone of tides

        winds erupt and lullaby            weaving gossamer
light                    after the lightning,      cerulean-blue

artery of sky               streets awash with reflections
your hands carrying                   holy syntaxes

                              a father is the earth revolving       
                                  light after the fog


Sneha Subramanian Kanta is the author of the chapbook Ghost Tracks (Louisiana Literature Press, 2020). Her work has appeared in Room Magazine, UBC's PRISM international, Vallum Magazine, and elsewhere. She is the founding editor of Parentheses Journal. @SnehaKantaS on Twitter. Website: