Posts in non-fiction
Okay, Enough

By Véronique Darwin

She said Valentine’s Day was a weight off her shoulders. She said people said she had a nice ass. She said, “Who should I like now?” She asked questions of herself like this. She said, “I am wheezing and I just poked a pimple.” She’s so silly, but she knows she’s silly. She’s talking to herself. She’s writing for posterity. It’s so odd! Why did she not stretch out of herself a little, then, if she knew time would be going on as it was, but longer, and longer, forever even? Why couldn’t she just take a second to go away? Couldn’t she have left a diary sitting somewhere and gone and done something, for a while?

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By Erin Soros

No window, no lamp for reading—you cannot read. No clock. The one light in the ceiling is inescapable. You face it every time you open your eyes because you are lying on a bed, your limbs tied.

Look at that light, fixed and stark in the ceiling, an unblinking eye. You are in an interrogation room with no one to interrogate you.

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