Winner of the 2014 3Macs carte blanche Prize


3M Award 2014Congratulations to Elaine Kennedy and Sheryl Curtis for their translation of "It’s Late, Doctor Schweizter," by Didier Leclair published in Issue 20! “It’s Late, Doctor Schweitzer” was originally published as “Il est tard Docteur Schweitzer,” from the novel Ce pays qui est le mien, by Didier Leclair.And congratulations to the finalists: Larissa Andrusyshyn and Mark Paterson.This year's juror was Newfoundland-based writer Lisa Moore. She is the author of two collections of stories, Degrees of Nakedness, and Open, and three novels, Alligator, February, and Caught.The 3Macs carte blanche Prize is awarded once a year in recognition of an outstanding submission by a Quebec writer, artist, or translator. The prize is sponsored by Mark Gallop, of MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier Inc.3Macs_logo-Bilingual   

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