2014 3Macs carte blanche Prize Finalists


3M Finalists 2014Larissa Andrusyshyn for her poem "Dung Beetle" published in Issue 22.  Larissa Andrusyshyn completed an MA in English and Creative Writing at Concordia University. She runs writing workshops for at-risk youth in Montreal. Her second poetry collection Proof is forthcoming from DC Books.    

Elaine Kennedy and Sheryl Curtis for their translation of "It’s Late, Doctor Schweizter," by Didier Leclair published in Issue 20. “It’s Late, Doctor Schweitzer” was originally published as “Il est tard Docteur Schweitzer,” from the novel Ce pays qui est le mien, by Didier Leclair.Elaine Kennedy and Sheryl CurtisElaine Kennedy and Sheryl Curtis are Montreal-based translators. They have taught translation and published their work in journals and magazines around the world.Didier Leclair was born in Montreal and grew up in Africa. Ce pays qui est le mien, his second of six novels, was shortlisted for the Governor General’s Award in 2004. 
Mark Paterson for his short story "The Dad Was Drinking" published in Issue 20 Mark_PatersonMark Paterson is the author of the short story collections A Finely Tuned Apathy Machine and Other People’s Showers. His stories have appeared in carte blanche on five occasions, including “Something Important and Delicate,” winner of the 2010 3Macs carte blanche Prize. Mark is currently completing a collection of connected short stories about the suburbs called Dreamers and Misfits of Montclair.   
The winner will be announced at the QWF Gala on Tuesday, November 18th, at the Virgin Mobile Corona Theatre, 2490 Notre-Dame West.Buy your ticket now!
lisa_mooreJuror Lisa Moore is the author of two collections of stories, Degrees of Nakedness, and Open, and three novels, Alligator, February, and Caught. She also writes essays, has adapted her novel February for the stage, and in currently finishing a novel for young adults. Lisa teaches creative writing at Memorial University in Newfoundland.    Image by Monique de St. Croix, taken at WordFest 2013  
The 3Macs carte blanche Prize is awarded once a year in recognition of an outstanding submission by a Quebec writer, artist, or translator. The prize is sponsored by Mark Gallop, of MacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier Inc.3Macs_logo-Bilingual

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