carte blanche/CNFC Society creative nonfiction contest


Yes, it's true!  carte blanche and the Creative Nonfiction Collective Society have teamed up to bring you a Canada-wide creative nonfiction contest.The winner will receive $500 and her/his text will be published in carte blanche. The winner will be announced in 2014.WHAT: Original, previously unpublished creative nonfiction - maximum word length 3,000 words (no minimum)WHO: The competition is open to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.WHEN: Starting now! The deadline is November 1st, 2013, midnight ET.Members of the CNFC receive a discount on the entry fee. To find out about becoming a member, go to Submissions accepted via our online submission form only!Administration fee: $7 for CNFC Society members, and $12 for nonmembers.SUBMIT NOW >> CNFCLogoRGBSmall