Posts in carte blanche blog
We Don't Want Bullies

"We Don't Want Bullies" was created by Anne Huang, Dristy Barua, Van Nhi Dang, and Rong Xie, all students at Westmount High School. This is the second in a series of three photo essays created by students in Miss Iulia Tripa's art class at Westmount High.

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Fruit Zombie

"Fruit Zombie" was created by Kane Rodriguez-Tait, Jarad McFarlane, Justin Winikoff, and Evelyn Richardson-Haughey, all students at Westmount High School. This is the first in a series of three photo essays created by students in Miss Iulia Tripa's art class at Westmount High.

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This Really Happened at WordFest

We’re thrilled to announce that carte blanche’s storytelling series, This Really Happened (TRH), is coming to WordFest in Calgary on October 9, 2012!Featured performers include: Calgary’s Poet Laureate Kris Demeanor, expat American and father of a Canadian war hero Michael Hornburg, puppeteer and educator Candace Ford-Taperek, memoirist Deni Y. Béchard, global adventurer Marcello di Cintio, and the journalist and author Noah Richler.

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From the archives: Sounds of Silence

I married a schizophrenic man to fly. Right out of that homeless shelter on Beaver Street, the one tucked so low and in between Duane Reade and the Sanitation Department you’d hardly notice it even with its burgundy door. It was sleeping on pavement moments that uncorked me. One night of that and I dropped in to the drop-in centre. That’s what they’re calling them now. Two days homeless and he put his hand in mine. He’s all tornado and moan. He’s hearing voices and I wipe sweat off his temples. I want to grab my hand back, he’s a street guy, a vaquero, a younger guy, a muchacho malo. I don’t. I keep my hand there and he steals indiscriminately from my future.

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From the archives: Picnic

At our secret lake the smell of cedars floated on the air, water lapped at a fallen tree, sun warmed the towels we spread on a huge rock. When we went there, we’d lie around in our old pilly swimsuits, or nothing, and not worry about sucking in our stomachs or making conversation. The day washed over us. One time, after a dip in the lake, George asked me, “What’s the opposite of déjà vu?”

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From the archives: Q & A with Myrna Kostash

Creative nonfiction is the term of choice these days. It certainly didn’t start that way, and there are still several other ways of referring to “that way of writing” which readers might also be familiar with: literary nonfiction, literary journalism, narrative prose, you get the idea. We’re trying to find a way to nail this baby, the “baby” being, in the short form of the definition, the application of literary techniques to documentary material.

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