Posts in carte blanche blog
Introducing "Comics" by Georgia Webber

“Comics” summons flashes of Archie and Sunday newspaper strips, or superheroes saving first world society from certain peril. “Graphic novels,” on the other hand, recalls quirky autobiographical tomes of adolescent ennui. Truth be told, comics can be all of those things, and more, but never by definition.

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This Really Happened at Blue Met 2013

Back by popular demand, This Really Happened returns to the Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival, on April 26th at the Opus Hotel in Montreal. Come hear stories about reinventions, reincarnations, and major rewrites. Get your tickets early as last year’s event sold out!

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Translating Montreal: Where Blueberries Are Not Myrtilles by Neil Smith

Les Nombrilistes hire a Frenchman named Didier to translate your Mile End novel, The Fractured Hipster. Sadly, Didier has never set foot in Montreal.When Le branché débranché comes out, your young protagonist, Julian, buys his cigarettes chez l’Arabe, goes out with a nana, wears pull-overs and baskets, washes his clothes at a pressing, and eats myrtilles and pastèque. He swears by yelling, “Putain de merde!”

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